
In a Chinese zoo, painted dogs were passed off as pandas: how the workers justified themselves. Video

Anna BoklajukNews
Painted dogs were passed off as pandas in a Chinese zoo

In one of the zoos in China, painted dogs were passed off as pandas. According to local media, the deceived visitors claimed that they realized the fraud only when one of the "pandas" started barking.

A video filmed by a visitor to the Shanwei Zoo went viral online, nypost reports. It shows one of the dogs, not too thinly disguised, breathing heavily, sticking out its purple tongue. The "panda" was lying on a stone inside the fenced area.

Just a few seconds later, you can see a second dog walking nearby, with a long curly tail.

In a Chinese zoo, painted dogs were passed off as pandas: how the workers justified themselves. Video

The zoo initially tried to justify itself by claiming that the animals belonged to the "panda dog" breed. Later, the workers admitted that they were painting Chow Chows, a breed of spitz that is popular in northern China. Visitors demanded their money back after hearing the barking of the "pandas".

In a Chinese zoo, painted dogs were passed off as pandas: how the workers justified themselves. Video

When asked why they tried to deceive visitors, a zoo spokesperson said: "There are no panda bears in the zoo, and that's why we wanted to do this."

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