
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video

Oleh TymchenkoNews
The funeral began with a farewell service

On Monday, July 22, Ukrainian linguist, public, and political figure Iryna Farion was laid to rest in Lviv. Hundreds of people came to pay their last respects to the woman who became a symbol of national consciousness for many Ukrainians.

The funeral will begin with a memorial service at the Garrison Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, where relatives, friends, colleagues, military personnel, and concerned Ukrainians have already gathered. This was reported by an OBOZ.UA correspondent.

Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video

At 14:00, the coffin was brought to the church. Citizens were warned that due to the funeral of Iryna Farion, traffic along the convoy's route would be temporarily blocked in the city. In particular, this will apply to public transportation.

Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video

At 15:00, the farewell to Farion began on the square in front of the Town Hall. The head of the Svoboda branch and the head of the Department of Ukrainian Language and Literature at the Lviv Polytechnic National University, Zoriana Kunch, delivered a farewell speech. Oleh Tiahnybok, chairman of the All-Ukrainian Union Svoboda, was also present. He says that now Farion will pray for our victory in heaven.

Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video

After the memorial service, the funeral procession moved to Lychakiv Cemetery. Iryna Farion will be buried in the central alley, field 22, next to prominent figures of Ukrainian history, in particular, near the grave of Volodymyr Ivasiuk.

Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video
Hundreds of people came: the funeral of Farion is taking place in Lviv, the military are among those present. Photos and video

It is worth noting that in Lviv on the evening of July 21, a parastas for Iryna Farion was held near the Garrison Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. Several thousand people came to honor the last memory of the deceased.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, on Friday evening, July 19, in Lviv, an unknown man shot Iryna Farion, previously with a Makarov pistol. At 23:20 she died in intensive care, despite the efforts of doctors.

According to neighbors, Farion was being followed by an unknown man. Every day he sat on a bench in front of her house.

Ukrainian Interior Minister Ihor Klymenko said that law enforcement is considering several versions of Farion's murder. Among them are her public and political activities, as well as personal animosity. They also do not rule out that the murder could have been planned by order of the Russian authorities.

The day before, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that all available surveillance cameras were being used, witnesses were being interviewed, and the territory of several districts was being examined.

Only verified information is available on our Telegram channel OBOZ.UA and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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