
How to save fuel in winter: simple tips for drivers

Dmytro IvancheskulNews
Gasoline consumption in winter
A car consumes much more fuel in winter

Due to the cold weather and poor road conditions, driving in winter turns from an exciting adventure to a survival quest. This is especially true when it comes to how your car starts to consume fuel in winter. Tests have shown that at -6°C, fuel consumption increases by 15% compared to consumption at +25°C. At the same time, on short trips (5-7 km), consumption will increase by 24%, and on some cars, these figures can even reach 25%-40%.

Therefore, it is quite obvious that drivers need to follow certain rules in winter to reduce fuel consumption and feel more comfortable on the road. OBOZREVATEL tells you how to do it yourself.

Why fuel consumption increases in winter

First of all, the problem is that in cold weather, the engine needs more time to reach the optimum temperature for the most efficient use of fuel. This is especially true during short trips, during which the engine does not have time to reach peak efficiency.

In addition, cold engine oil and other fluids increase engine and transmission friction.

Additional fuel is also consumed because car owners turn on interior and seat heating.

The cold air itself, which is denser, also becomes an obstacle on the road, worsening the aerodynamic resistance of the car and increasing fuel consumption.

Cold air also reduces tire pressure, which increases rolling resistance.

Winter-blend gas does not improve the situation either, as it is somewhat less efficient than similar summer blends.

Ice and snow on the roads also make the situation worse, as they reduce tire traction, which leads to unnecessary energy consumption. In addition, driving speeds on such roads are slower, which in itself leads to higher fuel consumption.

Fuel consumption also increases when you use all-wheel drive to overcome difficult road conditions.

How to reduce fuel consumption in winter

The situation may seem hopeless, but it's not. By following simple tips, you can significantly reduce your fuel consumption during the cold season. Here's what you need to do.

First of all, try to never leave your car outside in winter. If you have a garage, always park your car there. This way, your interior will not be as chilly and the initial engine temperature will also be higher.

It is a popular belief that warming up the car in the morning at idle will help warm up the engine to the desired temperature. But this is not true, and such a ritual can eventually ruin your engine.

That's why experts advise minimizing engine idling for up to 30 seconds and then moving off at low speed. While driving, the engine warms up more efficiently and will allow you to turn on the heating faster, reduce fuel consumption and lower emissions.

If possible, plan your trips to minimize the amount of time you spend driving with a cold engine.

As much as you may want to, don't turn on the interior and seat heating when you don't need it. This luxury will cost you a fortune in winter.

Keep an eye on the condition of your car: check the tire pressure and use gas that is designed specifically for cold weather.

Remove all external accessories from the car that increase wind resistance. First of all, this applies to the roof rack. Install it only when you really need it. Also, be sure to clean off any snow that sticks to the car at night (if you park on the street). This will improve aerodynamics and not add extra weight to the car.

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