
How to get up quickly in the morning: break the habit of setting "several" alarms

Sleep inertia can be the reason for a long rise. Source: Freepik

The practice of setting alarms on your smartphone at different times to avoid oversleeping is quite common and seems convenient to many. However, medicine claims that this is a bad habit that sets us up for a "sleepy morning." We get a similar effect by pressing the snooze button and postponing the start of the day for a few minutes.


Why is it hard for us to get up in the morning?

Certain sleep disorders can be the cause of a long rise. For example, sleep inertia, which causes a difficult way out of this state. However, in most cases, people who need several alarms to wake up in the morning suffer from a lack of sleep. Therefore, it is important to understand whether they are getting the required amount of sleep every night.

Most adults need 7-9 hours of rest and it is important to determine your personal norm. Doctors recommend doing this during rest, vacation, or holidays.

How to wake up at once, one alarm at a time

If you need to wake up at 7 a.m. and your alarm goes off at 6 a.m., you get an hour of sleep deprivation or poor quality sleep. While setting only one alarm is the best solution, it can be difficult to wake up so early if you're already used to procrastinating.

In this case, experts recommend testing different alarms, such as those that use light or "force" you to get out of bed to turn them off.

Getting 15-30 minutes of sunlight in the morning can also shift the internal biological clock. This is especially effective for "owls".

It's also important to wake up and go to bed around the same time every day.

Another tip, for those who want to change their sleep patterns in the right direction, is to move your bedtime 30 minutes earlier every few days or an hour earlier once a week. In addition, sleep experts do not recommend checking the time at night, as it causes anxiety and makes it harder to fall asleep.

Instead, it's better to spend 15-20 minutes trying to fall asleep. And if it doesn't work, get up and start your day early.

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