How to fertilize roses so that they bloom profusely in spring: homemade fertilizer
Spring is just around the corner, so now is the perfect time for gardeners to start preparing the fertilizer they will use if they want their roses to bloom beautifully this year.
Roses should be fertilized in March, when new leaves and shoots start to appear, as this means that the plant has fully emerged from its winter sleep. In addition, late winter is the best time to start making homemade fertilizer for roses, OBOZ.UA writes.
The main ingredients should be dried eggshells, banana peels, coffee grounds, and English salt. This homemade fertilizer for roses contains key nutrients that will help them grow healthy and produce better flowers during the growing season.
Crushed eggshells are rich in calcium, which strengthens the plant and helps prevent fungal diseases common in spring, such as black spot.
Banana peels contain potassium and phosphorus, which promote root growth and flower formation, so your roses are likely to bloom more profusely.
Coffee grounds add more nitrogen to the soil, which roses love. This makes their environment slightly acidic, so the plant is less stressed. Nitrogen is also necessary for the healthy growth of plant leaves.
English salt provides roses with magnesium, which improves energy production, so you are likely to get larger flowers.
How to make homemade rose fertilizer
First, dry the banana peels by putting them in a basket lined with paper towels and leave them out of your reach to dry. When the banana peel is dry, cut it into smaller pieces.
Rinse the eggshells under water before adding them. You must make sure to get rid of any egg residue as it can attract pests.
Crush the eggshells into small pieces and then add them to your basket filled with banana peels.
Prepare the coffee grounds by adding them to a newspaper-lined baking sheet. When the coffee grounds are completely dry, place them in a large plastic container with a lid.
Then mix the coffee grounds, banana peel, and eggshell pieces in a large plastic container. Also add a few tablespoons of English salt.
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