How to easily clean a pomelo: a life hack that takes no more than a minute
Pomelo is a fruit of the citrus family that impresses not only with its interesting flavor but also with its gigantic size. Sometimes this fruit weighs up to 10 kilograms, and its center is much sweeter than other members of this family. It has a rich flavor with a slight bitterness.
Pomelos are usually eaten raw, added to salads, or juiced. In China, people give pomelos to each other for the New Year as a symbol of wealth and future prosperity. This fruit also has a significant drawback, which is the difficulty of peeling. But thanks to the method presented on the YouTube channel "Smachno," this is no longer a problem. Read below to learn how to easily peel a pomelo in less than a minute.
How to clean the pomelo
1. Cut off and remove the top part of the peel without damaging the fruit.
2. Make cuts over the entire area of the fruit, starting from the top and moving down.
3. Insert your fingers into each cut and remove the peel along with the white part.
4. Remove the excess white part from the already peeled fruit.
5. Divide the fruit into parts and use it for its intended purpose.