
How to cool drinks without a refrigerator: a lifesaver

Alina MilsentNews
How to cool drinks without a fridge. Source: Created with the help of AI

Nothing is as refreshing in the summer heat as a glass of cold water. You can quickly chill drinks even without a refrigerator. A simple combination of available ingredients will reduce the temperature of a bottle of water by an impressive 19 °C in just half an hour.

This life hack can also be used to quickly chill other beverages, such as beer or wine. How to cool drinks without a refrigerator during a power outage, The Sun has revealed.

Experts have tested popular cooling methods and found that you can cool your favorite drink in just 30 minutes by combining water, ice, and salt.

How to cool drinks without a refrigerator: a lifesaver

The least effective method was to immerse the bottle in a bucket of cold water without ice, which resulted in a meager 2.5°C drop in temperature.

First, the experts used 1 kg of ice in a bucket, filling it with enough water to submerge the bottle and adding 100 g of salt. Without a doubt, this is the best way to cool a drink quickly. In just 30 minutes, the temperature dropped by 18.9 °C, and the beer cooled to 1.6 °C.

How to cool drinks without a refrigerator: a lifesaver

Seawater has a lower freezing point than normal water, so adding salt would mean that the temperature of the ice solution could be below freezing.

The second place was taken by the same method – but without salt. The temperature of the beer dropped by 16.6 °C in 30 minutes.

You can also try air cooling: wrap the bottle in a wet cloth and place it in a shallow container of water. The container should be in a well-ventilated area so that the water evaporates and cools the bottle. This method reduced the temperature by 3.3 °C in 30 minutes.

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