Australian family reveals life hack on how to travel without paying for housing
Going on vacation can often be expensive, but Australian couple Christopher Oyala and Andrew Redfern dispel this myth. The couple has repeatedly vacationed without paying a single penny for accommodation. They traveled to the UK, USA, New Zealand and Mexico, taking care of strangers' homes.
According to The Sun, the man runs a Facebook house-sitting group called House Sitting World and claims it's a win-win situation for both parties. Instead of paying for the service, the system is built on trust between strangers.
It's also a budget-friendly option for families, especially during the holiday season when campgrounds are booked up and hotels charge peak seasonal prices.
"Taking care of your home can open doors to traveling the world that you never knew you could," added Oyala.
Meanwhile, the pair recommends that you always ask homeowners about pets and their daily routines. This is an important point to know in advance what to expect. Especially if you are planning an active vacation and visiting museums or the beach.