
What holiday is celebrated on October 20: interesting facts about this day

Yulia PoteriankoNews
The world honors the work of chefs today. Source: Freepik

Sunday, October 20, is the 294th day in the leap year calendar. On this day, Oleksandr, Artem, Herman, Ivan, Leonid, Mykhaylo, Mykola, Pavlo, Petro, Yan, Arina, Iryna, Motrena celebrate their name days.

The Orthodox Church of Ukraine honors the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Artemius of Antioch on this day. OBOZ.UA will tell you what other holidays, memorable and historical dates fall on October 20. And also about celebrities born on this date.

Holidays on October 20

National Breast Cancer Day - October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month around the world. This month is also a special date in the Ukrainian calendar. On this day, women should make an appointment with a mammologist, if not undergo a checkup.

World Osteoporosis Day is a disease that affects bones and makes them much more brittle. It especially affects older women. Therefore, the World Health Organization has introduced a special date on which special educational events are held every year to raise awareness of this condition.

World Chef's Day is an annual holiday that honors the contribution of chefs to the well-being of the entire society. In addition, it draws attention to everyone's need for quality food. Which can be satisfied by self-cooking. Become your own chef today.

World CRISPR Day - CRISPR gene editing technology has given humanity hope for solving many problems. In particular, to cure genetic diseases that were previously considered incurable. To honor this remarkable discovery, a special holiday is held every year.

Suspender Day - once upon a time, this accessory was used to keep pants in place. Nowadays, suspenders have become a stylish wardrobe element that allows you to express yourself better. And today is a good day to wear them.

The day of information overload - we may not notice it, but modern people consume so much information that it can cause stress in itself. News that is not always positive, social media, and the wide availability of various entertainment can all have a devastating effect on the psyche. Give yourself a break from it today. And you will feel the difference.

Historical events on October 20

1803 - The U.S. Senate ratified the Louisiana Purchase.

1818 - The United Kingdom and the United States of America established the 49th parallel border between Canada and the United States.

1865 - Ottawa is approved as the seat of the Canadian government.

1868 - The first private commercial bank in Ukraine is established in Kyiv.

1911 - Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen and four companions set sail for the South Pole from Whale Bay in the eastern Ross Sea.

1916 - The battleship Empress Maria explodes in Sevastopol, killing hundreds of people.

1918 - Polish delegates to the Lviv City Council proclaimed the annexation of Lviv to Poland.

1924 - The first radio station in the Ukrainian SSR is opened in Kharkiv.

1929 - The Central Committee of the CPSU (b) officially proclaimed the continuous collectivization.

1930 - Yuriy Tiutiunnyk, General of the Ukrainian People's Republic, is shot by the Bolsheviks.

1944 - the first combat flight of Japanese kamikaze took place.

1945 - as a result of a national plebiscite, the Mongolian People's Republic confirmed its intention to remain an independent state.

1945 - Women in the French Republic are granted the right to vote for the first time.

1947 - the Un-American Activities Commission begins hearings into the infiltration of Communists into Hollywood.

1953 - Ray Bradbury's dystopian novel Fahrenheit 451 was published in the United States.

1959 - Stepan Bandera is buried at the Waldfriedhof cemetery in Munich.

1968 - at the Olympic Games in Mexico City, the American Richard Fosbury wins the high jump with a score of 2 meters 24 centimeters, demonstrating a new way to overcome the height - with his back to the bar.

1993 - The Estonian parliament adopted a statement condemning the communist policy of genocide in Ukraine.

Born on October 20

1616 - Thomas Bartholin, Danish anatomist who discovered the human lymphatic system.

1632 - Christopher Wren, English mathematician, astronomer, architect.

1656 - Nicolas de Largillier, French painter.

1847 - Fritz Taulow, Norwegian impressionist painter.

1854 - Arthur Rimbaud, French symbolist poet and lyricist.

1864 - Branislav Nusic, Serbian writer, playwright.

1874 - Charles Ives, American composer.

1888 - Yakiv Mamontiv, historian of Ukrainian dramatic literature and theater, teacher

1891 - James Chadwick, British physicist, Nobel Prize winner for the discovery of the neutron.

1920 - Amet Khan (Akhmet Khan) Sultan, Soviet military pilot, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Crimean Tatar by birth.

1925 - Art Buchwald, American journalist, feuilletonist, writer.

1933 - Maria Ujević-Galetović, Croatian sculptor.

1946 - Elfriede Jelinek, Austrian writer and feminist, awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

1949 - Valeriy Borzov, Ukrainian track and field athlete.

1950 - Tom Petty, American rock musician.

1951 - Al Greenwood, American rock musician, keyboardist of the band Foreigner.

1958 - Viggo Mortensen, Danish-American actor, who played the role of Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

1964 - Kamala Harris, American politician, the first woman to serve as Vice President of the United States, a candidate for the presidency of America.

1971 - Snoop Dogg, American rapper.

1979 - John Krasinski, American actor and director.

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