
Three zodiac signs will be on the rise by the end of the year: who is on the list

Anna PaskevychNews
Astrologers gave advice for the coming months. Source: Pixabay

There are only a few months left until the end of the year, but this is often the time when people associate difficulties with it. The start of school, short days without sunshine, autumnal cold snap, haste and fuss can seriously dampen the mood.

However, according to astrologers, several zodiac signs will feel on the rise. We are talking about such signs as Pisces, Scorpio, and Gemini.


Pisces will finally be free from a series of difficulties imposed by the energy of Saturn circulating around them. Some may have lost their jobs, some may have had their relationships fall apart, and some may have been unable to move forward due to self-confidence issues.

Fortunately, the energy of Neptune comes to the rescue of Pisces, which is associated with development in the field of feelings and career. Representatives of the sign who are in a relationship will feel great support and closeness from their partner.

And single Pisces will feel that they are really ready to accept new love into their hearts and lives and that they are finally moving in the right direction.

However, this does not mean that it will be easy. Changes in life can be compared to sports - if you haven't run for a long time, you won't be able to complete a marathon on the first try.

So, you should stay calm and take small steps. It is important to have patience with the world and yourself. Combined with perseverance, this will yield the expected results, astrologers say.


For Scorpios, it has been a difficult six months, and at times, the feeling of fatigue could be evident. And on several levels - professional and personal.

Now good times are ahead. Representatives of this sign will finally feel that all their efforts have not been in vain. Promotions, career development, and new responsibilities are just around the corner. It won't be easy, but life is not a constant downhill slide, and after all, there's no other way to get to the top.

Advice to Scorpios: look for like-minded people in your environment with whom you understand each other without words. This will help increase your influence and status. The universe is on your side, astrologers predict.


Gemini, who can't stand stagnation and inactivity, will be happy that something will finally get off the ground in their lives. Science, communication, and trade are the areas where they can seek happiness. New work tasks await them ahead. This is definitely a step towards the top of their career.

Thanks to the energy of Jupiter, Gemini will feel what they like best - the desire to do something new, to create reality, and the taste of success. They will inspire and motivate themselves to take action. Work will cease to be an unpleasant chore and will become incredible entertainment that meets their vital interests.

As a result, Gemini will have the opportunity to create projects that will bring them tangible success and help them in their careers. What is important (and the most difficult thing for Gemini) is to be patient, astrologers warn.

Actions "with a bang" will not bring good results. It's better to take your time and think things through to avoid a false start.

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