
There are more vacancies than people willing to work: the area with a critical shortage of employees has been named

Oleksandr LytvynNews
How salaries have changed in Ukraine. Source: Freepik

In Ukraine, the number of vacancies in the hotel and restaurant business has been higher than the number of resumes since July (4.2 thousand resumes and almost 5 thousand vacancies). In all cases, we are talking about the number of new ads per week.

This is the area with the highest staff shortage. According to OBOZ.UA, at the same time, 3.5 thousand vacancies and 10.8 thousand resumes were posted in IT (the situation has hardly changed over the year). This is perhaps the only area where there is no shortage of personnel. In the hotel and restaurant business, the number of vacancies has been higher than the number of resumes since July (4.2 thousand resumes and almost 5 thousand vacancies). In all cases, we are talking about the number of new ads per week.

The shortage of staff is forcing employers not only to raise salaries but also to post more offers for those without experience. "The shortage of staff is forcing employers to offer vacancies to job seekers with no experience more often. In September, 43% of all vacancies were posted for candidates with no work experience. For comparison, in September 2023, the number was 36%," explained.

According to the IER survey, estimates of the difficulty of finding employees have stabilized at a high level. According to the Advanter survey, on average, companies were 71% staffed in August, and the situation did not improve (74% in May 2024). The NBU notes that the lack of labor leads to high growth rates in nominal wages, while real wage growth has slowed due to higher inflation.

The most popular jobs include sales consultant (sales manager), driver, warehouse worker, and loader. Cooks and cashiers are also popular. At the same time, these are the most popular specialties in terms of the number of vacancies posted on both major HR portals.

The average salary in Ukraine, according to HR portals, has increased by 13.7-18.9% (depending on the calculation method). The State Statistics Service indicates that as of the second quarter of this year, wage growth was 22.1%. According to, the average salary is UAH 20.2 thousand. According to the State Statistics Service – 20.9 thousand UAH.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA wrote that the Cabinet of Ministers had approved the draft budget for 2025. It will be sent to the Budget Committee of the Verkhovna Rada. After consideration by the committee, and studying the proposed amendments, the document will be put to a vote in the session hall, and only then will the budget be approved. According to the document, Ukraine is expected to slow down its economy, devalue the hryvnia, and accelerate inflation. At the same time, the debt burden on the budget may decrease.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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