
Five rules for driving in rainy weather: what smart drivers do

Yulia PoteriankoNews
Driving in the rain makes road traffic more dangerous

In the coming days, forecasters predict rainy weather. This means that driving on the roads will become more difficult and dangerous.

It's time to review, or even learn, the rules of safe driving in the rain. OBOZ.UA tells you about the five main ones that will make the trip more comfortable for you, your car, and pedestrians.

If the road ahead is flooded with water

Heavy enough rain can turn a street into a deep stream. The first thing you should do when you notice a problem is try to find an alternative route. But this is not always possible. In this case, estimate the depth of the flooding by looking at curbs and other road objects. Most cars have a ground clearance of 15-17 cm. Do not drive where the water layer is deeper. In particular, because there may be debris, potholes, or open gutters under the surface.

If you drive on a flooded road

Listen to the engine. If it starts to make an unusual sound, turn off the car and ask a mechanic for help before starting it again. Water that gets into the engine can seriously damage it and lead to expensive repairs.

How to tell if the brakes are wet

If you've been driving through water, there's a chance that liquid has gotten into the brakes, which is also undesirable. In this case, you will feel that you need to press the corresponding pedal harder, and the car will take longer to slow down. To dry the brake system parts, do not stop when you get out of the water, but start driving slowly (at a speed of about 10-25 km/h) and gently press the brake pedal for 2-3 seconds four to five times or until you feel the brakes become more responsive. If this doesn't help, you will likely need professional assistance.

If water gets into the cabin

A wet car needs to be thoroughly dried. The best option is to leave all windows and doors open to allow fresh air to enter the car. To make the process easier, remove the floor mats. However, you do not need to leave the engine running. It doesn't heat up the car enough to significantly speed up the drying process. Instead, you can use a car dehumidifier. But you will have to buy it separately.

What to do if there is a puddle ahead

Excess water slows down braking, which is why it's important not to drive on wet roads. This way, you won't splash pedestrians in your lane and earn a reputation as a rude driver.

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