
When to dig up gladioli for the winter: how to store bulbs correctly

When to dig up gladioli for the winter: how to store bulbs correctly

For gardeners, the onset of autumn means not only harvesting but also preparing for the next season. One of the important stages of this preparation is digging up and storing gladiolus bulbs.

These bright flowers need special care in winter to bloom again next year. Experts from Horticulture have given tips on what to do with gladioli in the fall so that they will add new colors to your garden next season.

When to dig up gladioli?

The best time to dig up gladioli depends on the variety. Early varieties can be dug up as early as mid-September, and late varieties – in early October. The main rule is that about 40-45 days should pass after flowering. During this time, the bulbs will have time to accumulate enough nutrients for wintering.

Preparing the bulbs for storage

After digging, the bulbs should be thoroughly cleaned of soil and stems and roots should be cut off. Then they should be dried in a well-ventilated room at a temperature of about 28-30°C for 30-40 days. After drying, the bulbs are inspected, damaged ones are rejected, and treated with disinfectant solutions to prevent the development of diseases.

Storing the bulbs

A cool, dark, and well-ventilated place, such as a basement or refrigerator, is suitable for storing gladioli. The optimum temperature for storing bulbs is between +2°C and +6°C, and the humidity is about 75%. Bulbs can be stored in boxes, bags, or paper bags, sprinkled with dry peat or sawdust.

Proper storage of bulbs is the key to successful gladiolus cultivation next year. If the bulbs are stored in the wrong conditions, they can dry out, rot, or become infected with diseases. This will lead to the loss of planting material and, as a result, to a decrease in the number of flowers in the next season.

Storage conditions

It is important to maintain the optimum temperature and humidity in the place where the bulbs are stored. Sudden changes in temperature and high humidity can lead to rotting of the bulbs.

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