
"Part of me": Mahuchikh speaks out about photo with Russian woman at 2020 Olympics

Oleksandr ChekanovNews
Lasitskene and Maguchih
Maguchih and Lasitskene at the Tokyo Olympics

World athletics champion Yaroslava Mahuchikh has admitted that she is worried about her photo with Russia's Mariya Lasitskene at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The Ukrainian high jumper emphasized that the reaction of Ukrainians was violent but fair.

Mahuchikh said this in an interview with Vogue Ukraine, on the cover of which she appeared in a daring image - in a leather jacket over her naked body. According to Yaroslava, after Russia's full-scale invasion, it is out of the question that sport can stay away from tragic events.

''Part of me'': Mahuchikh speaks out about photo with Russian woman at 2020 Olympics

{"imgSrc": "https://i.obozrevatel.com/gallery/2022/8/5/gettyimages-1332857906.jpg", "imgWidth":2000, "imgHeight":1356, "title": "Maguchih and Lasitskene at the Tokyo Olympics", "sourceTxt":" ", "alt": "Maguchikh and Lasitskene"}

"I respect the opinion of Ukrainians and understand that this story is now a part of me, and some people will take it to heart. I work hard, represent our country in the international arena, fight to keep our flag flying, and never neglect the opportunity to speak to the foreign press and remind them of the war in Ukraine. I think I'm doing everything right today," said Mahuchikh.

{"imgSrc": "https://i.obozrevatel.com/gallery/2022/8/5/gettyimages-1242005995.jpg", "imgWidth":2000, "imgHeight":1334, "title": "Maria Lasickienė and Jaroslawa Maguchykh.", "sourceTxt":" ", "alt": "Yaroslava Maguchikh"}

As a reminder, at the 2023 World Cup, where the Ukrainian took the gold medal, she distinguished herself with the patriotic cry "Glory to Ukraine!". Yaroslava literally enraged the Russians, who demanded that the International Federation at least fine our compatriot.

''Part of me'': Mahuchikh speaks out about photo with Russian woman at 2020 Olympics

As OBOZ.UA reported earlier, on September 17, Mahuchikh won the Diamond League track and field competition, winning the final stage at the Hayward Field stadium in Eugene, USA.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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