
How to protect apple trees from rodents in winter: you should do one important thing already in November

How to protect apple trees from rodents in winter. Source: pexels.com

The winter period poses a serious threat to young and fruiting apple trees due to the activity of rodents such as rats and hares. They can eat away at the bark of trees and the bases of branches, which leads to damage and even death of plants.

To avoid this, it is necessary to take care of the protection of apple trees in a timely manner. In November, it is important to wrap the trunks with special materials, and in winter, to keep the snow cover dense, advises agronomist.in.ua.

The traditional method of protection involves wrapping the trunks with roofing felt, thick paper or metal mesh. The tree should be tied tightly and without gaps so that rodents cannot get to the bark. The lower part of the trunk should be additionally sprinkled with soil for better protection.

Protecting trees

Throughout the winter, it is recommended to tamp snow in the root zone of trees. This makes it difficult for rodents to access the trunk and minimizes the risk of damage. If November protection measures were missed, you can limit the damage during the thaw by pressing the snow tightly around the trees.

How to protect apple trees from rodents in winter: you should do one important thing already in November

What not to do

Do not use chemicals to treat trees in winter. Chemicals reduce the winter hardiness of apple trees, which increases the risk of freezing even in light frosts.

Tying is considered the most effective way to protect trees from rodents. It prevents damage to the bark, keeps the wood intact, and promotes healthy growth in the spring.

Protecting apple trees is a process that requires constant attention. Gardeners need to regularly check the condition of protective barriers and keep them in good condition throughout the winter.

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