
Who are crystal children and how to understand that your child is special

Kateryna MalayLife
Experts believe that crystal children began to be born after 2000

Scientists who study auras say that after 2000, when the Earth entered the Aquarian era, crystal children with special energy began to be born. Their aura resembles a crystal that shimmers with light.

They are born to bring peace and goodness. These children were best described by the writer Doreen Virtue in her book The Crystal Children: A Guide to the Newest Generation of Psychic and Sensitive Children.

The author claims that crystal children have peculiar superpowers that are sometimes incomprehensible to ordinary people. They may have telepathic abilities, so they start speaking later than other children, not seeing the need for language communication.

Crystal children have peculiar superpowers

Doctors often diagnose them with autism or speech delay. At the same time, they have no difficulties with communication because everyone around them understands them without words.

Crystal children are unique in their ability to say what is on their minds and bring light, love and joy to others. They may have the gift of foresight and healing and often teach adults.

Crystal children are unique in their ability to speak what is on their minds

Crystal children usually act aloof at school and suffer from bullying because of their unusual behavior. This is due to their atypical wisdom for their age, which can irritate their peers.

Scientists say that such kids have round and large bright eyes, which are not often found in nature. Crystal children are artistic and musical. Sometimes they start singing before they speak and quickly learn to play musical instruments.

Crystal children have large and bright eyes

The main characteristics of a "new age person" are magnetism and artistry. They "attract" people with their atypical appearance and radiation of positive energy.

Experts advise parents of crystal children not to force them to adapt to the world. This can harm the psyche of a sensitive child and destroy their individuality.

You should show affection and care more often through physical contact because crystal children are very tactful. In addition, do not force them to do things they hate and listen to advice more often.

Experts gave advice to parents

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