
Poland has chosen a representative for the Eurovision Song Contest 2024, but it has set the Poles at odds: what is known about the winner and why the audience is outraged

LUNA will represent Poland at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 with the song The Tower

Poland has chosen its representative at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024. The 24-year-old singer and dancer LUNA with her track The Tower will defend the country's honor on the international music stage in Malmö, Sweden. However, not all Poles liked this prospect, so they expressed their indignation at the results of the National Selection.

It should be noted that Poland does not have a system of audience and judge voting. The country's representative at the competition is chosen exclusively by a professional jury appointed by the public broadcaster TVP the day before. So now Poles are expressing their indignation that LUNA is "not their choice". Such comments are increasingly common on the singer's Instagram page.

What Poles say about their representative at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024

So, as we've already mentioned, LUNA will represent Poland at Eurovision with The Tower. She was chosen by the judges appointed by the broadcaster TVP. There was no audience vote. Now some Poles are outraged that among all the contenders for the victory, in their opinion, there were more worthy singers. Disgruntled viewers believe that Poland will now take one of the last places at the international competition in Sweden.

Internet users leave a large number of angry comments, including allegations of corruption at the competition. According to rumors, the singer's father is a Polish vegetable tycoon who owns the popular local food brand Dawtona. Thus, some Poles concluded that LUNA's victory was bought.

Instead, the favorite of many viewers was Justyna Steczkowska, who took second place. Commentators wrote that her silver medal was unfair and that she deserved to win.

"This is not our choice," "First Jan, now Justyna. In recent years, Poland has been fighting for the last places. I don't know who really sits in the jury", "Give this letter to Justyna if you trust the opinion of the majority", "It's a pity, can we still give a place to Jusa?", "Aren't you ashamed that you were chosen by acquaintance?", "It will be a tragedy. The choice is even worse than last year's, the contacts won," Poles wrote these and many similar comments.

To be fair, many viewers decided to support their compatriot and assured her that they believed she would win in Malmö.

What we know about Poland's representative at Eurovision 2024

The singer's real name is Aleksandra Katarzyna Wielgomas. She was born on August 28, 1999 in Warsaw. Since childhood, LUNA has been interested in music, for example, in 2010 she was a member of the Artos children's choir, which performed in operas. The artist also knows how to play the violin and piano.

On November 25, 2020, LUNA released a track called Zgaś, which included sounds from outer space, and eventually made it to the list of the best Polish songs of 2020. Her next single, Less, was released a few months later, on February 2, 2021, and was quite successful, entering the top 13 of Radio Wawa.

In 2021, she released her first EP, Caught in the Night, which included the song Fade, which eventually appeared on 14 Spotify New Music Friday playlists around the world.

In an interview, the singer once shared that her interest in astrology, philosophy, art, ecology, fashion, and nature inspired her music. And her pseudonym, as LUNA herself said, is also her alter ego, full of mystery and magic. The pseudonym was taken from the Latin "Luna", which means the moon, which has a great influence on her life.

As OBOZ.UA previously reported, Germany chose its representative at the Eurovision Song Contest 2024 and sharply rose in the bookmakers' ranking. However, Germans were also dissatisfied. The contest track was called a "typical radio song" with which Germany shouldn't hope for high scores in Sweden. The main problem viewers see in the voting system. 

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