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The top 9 best breakfast habits for a flat stomach: advice from nutritionists and experts

The top 9 best breakfast habits for a flat stomach: advice from nutritionists and experts

To get rid of a tummy, nutritionists advise not to starve yourself, but to eat breakfast, and explain how this will help in the fight for slimness
You will never lose weight if you... Anita Lutsenko named 6 mistakes that many women make

You will never lose weight if you... Anita Lutsenko named 6 mistakes that many women make

Most of the reasons depend on willpower and your own desire
Top 8 eating habits that will allow you to lose weight without gaining it back

Top 8 eating habits that will allow you to lose weight without gaining it back

You don't have to starve and torture yourself with strict diets to effectively lose weight and not gain it back
How to lose weight after 30: personal trainer reveals three secrets

How to lose weight after 30: personal trainer reveals three secrets

A body that lacks sleep, water, and fiber is unlikely to easily lose weight.