
The 2022 border and NATO membership: Boris Johnson unveils a peace plan for Ukraine after a conversation with Trump

Anna PavlovaWorld
Boris Johnson and Donald Trump. Source:

US presidential candidate Donald Trump is supposed to be able to help end the war in Ukraine. Because he realizes that defeat could have consequences for America and the world.

This opinion was expressed by former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson in his column for the Daily Mail. The politician added that if a Republican had been in the White House, the Russian dictator would not have been "so reckless and criminal as to invade Ukraine."

In fact, in his article, the British politician nowhere indicates that he is voicing Trump's thoughts. On the contrary, he emphasizes that these are his personal assumptions and wishes, not a strategy provided by the former US leader.

"I believe that Trump can put an end to this (the war in Ukraine - Ed.) on the right terms for Ukraine and the West. I emphasize that I cannot be sure what exactly he would do if elected. But this is what he could do," Johnson wrote.

Here are the points that could be in the alleged peace plan for Ukraine, according to Boris Johnson:

- return of Ukraine to its borders by February 24, 2022, leaving Crimea under Russian control;

- Ukraine's accession to the EU and NATO is guaranteed;

- the Ukrainian army will replace about 70,000 US soldiers at US bases in the EU, which will significantly save the US money.

In addition, Johnson believes that Trump could provide Ukraine with everything it needs "now and urgently," lift all restrictions and make the Ukrainian army the strongest in the EU, which will protect the world and the United States from external threats.

"What would Russia get in return? Well, I think there are all kinds of incentives that could work with Putin. He could certainly claim that the 'special military operation' was successful and that he denazified Ukraine. There could be special protections for Russian speakers," Johnson said.

According to him, with Trump in the White House, there is a real prospect of a certain global rapprochement with Russia, and with Putin, a return to the times when Russia was a respected partner of the G8. But there is only one way to achieve this outcome.

"Washington under Trump's leadership will have to show that international borders must be respected and that the Soviet empire cannot be restored by force," the politician summarized.

On July 16, former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson unexpectedly met with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. He condemned and called the attempt on the politician's life shameful.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, in late June, Donald Trump's national security advisers suggested that if he won the presidential election, he should "force Ukraine to negotiate peace" with Russia. Later, Russian dictator Putin announced his "peace plan," and in response, the former US leader called it unacceptable and promised to end the war, probably "through negotiations between the parties."

The media wrote that Trump's so-called plan envisaged territorial concessions by Ukraine to Russia, which is why it was criticized in Kyiv. However, the other day, Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky had a phone conversation with Trump, in which they called Putin a murderer and discussed the US presidential candidate's visit to Ukraine.

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