
Israel has already handed Ukraine its first missile warning radars - Israel Defense

Lilia RagutskaWorld
The first batch of Israeli radars is already in Ukraine

The first batch of Israeli ieMHR radars has already arrived in Ukraine. These systems, the transfer of which to Ukraine was agreed upon by the Israeli Ministry of Defense and the supplies were financed by the Lithuanian government, are capable of detecting large and small air targets, identifying them, and predicting the time and location of a possible strike.

In total, Israel has pledged to transfer 16 radars to Ukraine, three of them have already taken up combat duty. This writes specialized Israeli edition Israel Defence.

Journalists of the publication drew attention to a photo published by representatives of the radar manufacturer, the Israeli company RADA Electronic Industries, which shows a Ukrainian soldier near such a radar.


"The first picture of Israeli radar taken by RADA in Ukraine. Apparently, these are radars intended for the "red color" system that Israel has pledged to install in Ukraine as a humanitarian move. Protection against missile attacks. The transfer of such radars requires the approval of the Ministry of Defense of Israel", - writes the edition.

Radars ieMHR (Improved & Enhanced Multi-Mission Hemispheric Radar) are used by the Israeli security system to identify and classify air threats. The radars are connected to a system that warns people in danger to take cover.


"The radar's role is to warn of an approaching threat of what that threat is, where it will strike and when," the Israeli publication writes.

The uniqueness of this airborne object detection system lies in its compactness, its ability to observe with a 360-degree angle of view, and its extreme sensitivity.

The ieMHR radars can detect both large targets like planes or missiles, as well as small drones. Small drones like DJI Mavic such radar "will see" for 10 kilometers, the Russian "Lancet" for 45 kilometers, a helicopter - for 50 kilometers.

The radar also comes with a warning system, which, if an object is detected, can instantly inform residents of the village of the danger by sending messages to their phones.


In total, Ukraine is to receive 16 such systems from Israel, three of which have already been received by Ukraine and are on combat duty. The Lithuanian government has taken over most of the funding for this delivery.

"The state of Israel neither transfers nor sells offensive military equipment to Ukraine. But about a year ago Israel established a field hospital in Ukraine, which temporarily operated and provides a missile warning system. Also, the Foreign Minister recently said that Israel is ready to contribute to European efforts to clear Ukraine of mines," Israel Defense added.

Recall that on March 15 it became known that Israel approved a license for export to Ukraine of systems against Iranian drones. This was Jerusalem's first decision to provide Ukraine with military assistance after the start of full-scale Russian aggression.

Already two days later it was reported that Jerusalem's decision referred to radars and signal jamming systems of two Israeli manufacturers.

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