
In Kharkiv region, the occupiers tortured Ukrainian prisoners of war: the Ombudsman appealed to the UN. Video 18+

Lubinets appealed to the UN because of another video of the occupiers

On Sunday, June 2, a video was posted online showing the occupiers once again torturing Ukrainian prisoners of war. Ombudsman Dmytro Lubinets has already appealed to the UN on this issue.

He announced this in his Telegram channel. According to preliminary information, the video was filmed in the Kharkiv sector, where the Russians are currently trying to conduct offensive operations.

The video shows beatings, humiliation, threats and mock executions of Ukrainian soldiers captured by the occupiers.

"Unfortunately, such treatment of Ukrainian prisoners of war is not an exception to the rule, but a common tactic for the occupiers," the Ombudsman said.

He added that such actions are an absolute violation of the Geneva Conventions, according to which prisoners of war have the right to humane treatment. Therefore, this case should be recorded as another proof of the violation of international humanitarian law by the Russian Federation.

"I have sent official letters to the ICRC and the UN to document the fact of abuse. This will be another addition to the evidence base for the future tribunal for criminals," Lubinets said.

He once again emphasized that Russia does not adhere to any rules of warfare and has absolutely no qualms about demonstrating its cruel and inhuman actions.

"The world must respond to this in order to bring the aggressor country to justice, otherwise the law of force will prevail over the law," the ombudsman concluded.

In Kharkiv region, the occupiers tortured Ukrainian prisoners of war: the Ombudsman appealed to the UN. Video 18+
In Kharkiv region, the occupiers tortured Ukrainian prisoners of war: the Ombudsman appealed to the UN. Video 18+
In Kharkiv region, the occupiers tortured Ukrainian prisoners of war: the Ombudsman appealed to the UN. Video 18+

As the OSINT-Bee community has already found out, the "protagonist" of this video is Alexei Kiprin, a native of St. Petersburg.

"The Nazi, a pagan, fought alongside the sadist Milchakov as part of the Rusych State Special Forces Group," the community's analysts say.

As reported by OBOZ.UA

- On May 31, after a long break, another 75 people were returned to Ukraine from Russian captivity . Ukrainian defenders from the Armed Forces, National Guard, State Border Guard Service, and police, as well as four civilian women, became the first prisoners to return from captivity after the exchange on February 8 this year.

- At least a third of the rescued soldiers have been injured, seriously ill or disabled - the State Border Guard Service showed the terrible consequences of captivity.

- Mariana Chechelyuk, a 24-year-old investigator from Mariupol who was released from Russian captivity, spoke about the "horror called Russian captivity" and admitted that she had thoughts of suicide. If the young Ukrainian woman ever writes her life story, it will be one of the best documents of Ukraine's modern history. At the same time, it will be a vivid testimony to both Russian war crimes and the lies and indifference of some "respected" international organizations.

Only verified information is available on our Obozrevatel Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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