
"Complete nonsense": Russia's best sprinter speaks out about an alternative Olympics in Russia

Oleksandr ChekanovSport
Makarenko ridiculed the BRICS Games

Russian track and field athlete Kristina Makarenko has ridiculed anyone who compares the BRICS Games, organized by the aggressor country, to the Olympics. The best sprinter in Russia said that she did not experience any special emotions from her performance at the tournament in Kazan, despite winning the 110-meter hurdles.

She said this in an interview with the propaganda publication Sport-Express. According to the athlete, she was very upset about not being allowed to participate in the Games in Paris, trying to distance herself from her country's aggression against Ukraine. The athlete also criticized Russian officials for postponing the so-called Friendship Games.

''Complete nonsense'': Russia's best sprinter speaks out about an alternative Olympics in Russia
''Complete nonsense'': Russia's best sprinter speaks out about an alternative Olympics in Russia

"Personally, I did nothing to prevent me from attending the 2024 Olympics. It's all very hard to think that you can go somewhere and then not go as a result... Is it naive to compare the BRICS Games to the Olympics? I hope no one has even said that it is the same. So, of course, it's complete nonsense to compare them. Do you have any emotions about the BRICS Games as a great start? I have no emotions at all. They said that the Friendship Games would be postponed. People were tuning in, preparing, planning for the season ahead, for September. And it turned out like this... It's not a pretty story," Makarenko complained.

''Complete nonsense'': Russia's best sprinter speaks out about an alternative Olympics in Russia
''Complete nonsense'': Russia's best sprinter speaks out about an alternative Olympics in Russia

Earlier, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) made a statement regarding the admission of "neutral" Russian athletes to participate in the Olympic Games in Paris.

As reported by OBOZ.UA, the president of the Russian Wrestling Federation (FSBI) Mikhail Mamiashvili called the IOC's decision to not allow the leaders of the Russian national team in this sport to participate in the 2024 Olympics belligerent.

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