Going to New York to buy an engagement ring: how Ukrainian champion Maguchikh got married, who her lover is, and why the wedding is postponed
The groom told what the winner of the 2024 Olympics is like in real life
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"The people are taking us for complete fools". The head of the ROC humiliated the Russians
Stanislav Pozdnyakov received a portion of unflattering comments in response
Patriarch Kirill made a statement about what happened at the 2024 Olympics and became a laughingstock
Russian fans left Gundyaev many unpleasant comments
"My mom is just crying". Harlan spoke emotionally about what happened to her
The winner of six Olympic awards confessed who was her childhood hero
"The Russians have been forgotten": why a Ukrainian athlete received a standing ovation from a stadium in Britain before the competition and how Europe was impressed by Russia
The Olympic medalist gave interviews to the world's most famous media