
Ukrainian goalkeeper scores winning goal from his own half of the pitch. Video

Maksym InshakovNews
The 30-year-old footballer made a fantastic shot

Rebel Kyiv goalkeeper Maksym Babiychuk scored a phenomenal goal in the 2nd round of the Ukrainian Amateur Championship. The 30-year-old native of Zaporizhzhia scored the only and winning goal in the match against Zirka from Kropyvnytskyi.

In the 24th minute, Maksym was leading the ball in his own half of the field and saw that the opposing goalkeeper was far out of position. Assessing the positioning of all the players on the field, Babiychuk decided to take a long shot and made it flawlessly.

This victory allowed Kyiv to gain the first three points and move up to 4th place in the standings. In addition, Rebel has a unique situation where the team's top scorer is a goalkeeper who has played one match this season and has a positive save percentage.

Commenting on his shot, Maksym said that his emotions were overwhelming.

"I did not even expect to score. Otherwise, I would have prepared some kind of celebration. Many times I imagined myself scoring a goal, but in my head it always happened after a corner shot. And then it happened like this. I got the ball. I looked up and saw where my teammates were. I saw that Zirka's goalkeeper had come out of the goal and wasn't looking at me," Maksym commented in an interview with the Rebel press service.

Babiychuk admitted that after the shot, looking at the trajectory of the ball, he realized that it would go straight into the net.

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