
"Like in Prypiat": Ukrainians were moved to tears by footage from deserted occupied Kyrylivka, where the spirit of Ukraine still exists

Kateryna MalayNews
The network showed how Kyrylivka will look like in 2024

A new video from the Russian-occupied Kyrylivka, Zaporizhzhia region, where life used to be in full swing, has been posted online. The footage of the deserted resort brought Ukrainians to tears, and some even compared the town to Prypiat.

Interestingly, the Ukrainian spirit is still felt in Kyrylivka, which is preserved in the state language signs and blue and yellow buildings. The video went viral on TikTok.

The author of the video walked wordlessly through the most popular places in the resort. You can see recreation centers overgrown with grass, a Ferris wheel, deserted beaches and abandoned cafes.

Some signs still invite vacationers in Ukrainian, and in many places you can see blue roofs, yellow walls, and other patriotic buildings.

However, it is impossible not to notice that there are almost no people in the town. Users have noticed that their favorite vendors, who cooked delicious chebureks and sold fruit, have disappeared. The beaches also look abandoned.

"Life has stopped here," "What have you done to my Kyrylivka?" "It's like time has stopped there," "Familiar places, but so deserted," "I'm crying," "It's become so empty, as if the city was abandoned," "I'm crying," "Like in Prypiat," "It used to be a recreation area, now it's an exclusion zone," they wrote under the video.

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