
Like colorblind people, but in reverse. Why some people can see "invisible" colors that no one else can see

Anna BoklajukNews
Why some people can see "invisible" colors that no one else can see. Source: freepik.com

People who carry the genetic material can see 10 times more colors. This disease is called tetrachromacy.

It is much rarer than color blindness, which is the exact opposite of tetrachromacy. Carriers of this gene (tetrachromats) may be involved in the world of colors that most of us do not see, writes Ifl Science.

Most people are born with three cones in each eye, which help us recognize different shades in the color spectrum. Those born with color blindness have two, and those with tetrachromia have four. Tetrachromats have a greater sensitivity to orange colors, says the Cleveland Clinic.

The average person can perceive a million shades of color. People with tetrachromacy are believed to be able to see 100 million shades, although research into the disease is still in its early stages, Healthline reports.

It is believed that up to 12 percent of people with the XX chromosome may be tetrachromatic. However, not all people with this genetic mutation will be able to experience the world in such bright colors. According to the Cleveland Clinic, it will depend on whether the extra cone has a different frequency than the other cones and whether there is a fourth color channel that allows the brain to process the increased color information.

In 2010, in a study published in the Journal of Vision, only one of 24 participants carrying this genetic variant demonstrated "tetrachromatic behavior," showing differences in all the hues tested.

Despite the fact that color blindness has been studied quite well by scientists, there is relatively little information about tetrachromacy. Experts still know little about how common it is or how it affects vision. It is believed that people with mild tetrachromacy can distinguish shades a little better than the average person, and people with strong tetrachromacy can see the world in colors that others cannot.

If you think you may be one of the lucky few with tetrachromacy, you may be disappointed to learn that there is currently no reliable testing method, despite the many claims you may find online. According to the Cleveland Clinic, researchers are using DNA testing to identify mutations that can cause the condition. However, this is not enough to confirm tetrachromasia. It requires testing using highly specialized technology in a research setting.

It's also worth noting that the way we recognize colors can vary from person to person, even for those with the standard three cones. Just remember the story of the blue-black/white-gold dresses. Color perception is determined not only by what we see but also by how the brain interprets those colors. This can be completely subjective and helps explain why some people see blue and others see green.

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