
How to plant garlic for the winter: rules and all conditions

Planting winter garlic. Source: Freepik

Getting a rich harvest of aromatic garlic is the dream of many gardeners. And it is quite achievable if you follow certain rules for planting and caring for this crop.

The best time to plant winter garlic in Ukraine is October. However, the exact timing depends on weather conditions. The main thing is that before the onset of steady frosts, the teeth have time to take root, but do not start shooting, OBOZ.UA reports.

Soil preparation

Garlic grows best on light, fertile soils. Before planting, the garden bed is carefully dug up, compost or humus is added, as well as mineral fertilizers.

Choosing planting material

Healthy, large cloves are used for planting. Before planting, they are disinfected in a solution of manganese or copper sulfate.

Planting technique

The cloves are planted in grooves to a depth of about 3 cm. The distance between the cloves is 5-10 cm, between the rows - 20-30 cm. After planting, the bed is mulched with peat or compost to preserve moisture and protect it from frost.

Caring for garlic

Regular watering is especially important in the spring, during plant growth. Remove weeds regularly to prevent them from taking away nutrients from the garlic. In the spring, garlic is fed with nitrogen fertilizers, and in the summer - with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Protecting against diseases and pests

Inspect the plants regularly and treat them with appropriate products if diseases or pests are found.

Garlic is harvested when the leaves turn yellow and bend. The bulbs are dug up, dried and stored in a dry, ventilated place.

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