
Fans question Putin's health condition and Russia's fate as ROC head dreams of 2028 LA Olympics

Oleksandr ChekanovNews
Stanislav Pozdnyakov, President of the ROC, made a statement

The president of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC), Stanislav Pozdnyakov, has said that his organization's main goal is to prepare for a return to international sport at the 2028 Games in Los Angeles, USA. Fans reacted sharply to the official's words, suspecting that he knew the future of Kremlin dictator Vladimir Putin.

"Our goal is to take a leading position among the participants of the 2028 Olympics. Let me emphasize that our goal is not participation, but victory. I am absolutely sure that the sanctions will be lifted by then and the situation will change. It is already changing," Pozdnyakov said in a commentary to the R-Sport propaganda news agency.

Readers of the Sports.ru portal did not like statement by the head of the ROC. They advised him not to make such far-reaching plans and also suggested that Putin would soon cease to be president of the Russian Federation.

"Does he know something about this old rat in the bunker?", "Maybe Pozdnyakov himself will be out of ROC by that time, and he is making plans for as long as 5 years,", "If the dictator is finally taken down, then anything is possible", "It seems to me that he does not believe in the success of the SMO", "Does he know something?" they write in the comments, laughing.

To recap, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) suspended the ROC's membership in the organization due to the illegal inclusion of the councils of Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions of Ukraine in its membership.

As OBOZ.UA previously reported, four-time Olympian Alexander Tikhonov called Russia too kind after the ROC's expulsion from the IOC.

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