
Time to achieve goals: Tarot horoscope for July

Anna OnishchenkoNews
Tarot horoscope for July. Source: Created with the help of AI

Horoscopes, Tarot and astrological forecasts have become an integral part of our existence. They can give people guidance in their emotional, professional, and personal lives.

Astrologers and tarotists have prepared a horoscope for all signs so that you know what to focus on during July 2024. Read on to get a glimpse into the depths of the future and get personalized advice.

Aries: The World

July marks the second half of 2024 and is the perfect time to take stock of your accomplishments over the past six months. The World card, which is the last card in the Major Arcana, symbolizes completion, wholeness, and integration of all lessons learned. Think about what cycles in your life have come to an end or what big endeavors are coming to a close and realize your long-term goals.

Taurus: Four of Swords

You should take your time this month. Step back and think about where you are in your life right now before plunging into new endeavors. The Four of Swords encourages you to take time out to get in touch with yourself. In July, celestial bodies and cosmic activity will affect your home and life, especially as the Leo season begins. Take your time and spend some quiet time at home to analyze your future actions.

Gemini: Six of Swords

July will be a month when you will need to leave behind certain situations, beliefs, or relationships. The Six of Swords card often appears after a period of difficulty, pushing you towards a new destination. While change can be challenging, your shifting energy will help you navigate your new environment.

Cancer: The High Priestess

Your birthday is the perfect time to tap into the intuitive powers of your higher self. The High Priestess card reminds you that most of the answers you seek are already within you. The New Moon in your sign on July 5 is the perfect time to activate your spiritual side. Perform daily rituals and trust your intuition this month.

Leo: Ace of Cups

The Sun begins to illuminate your sign this month, bringing creativity, inspiration, and new opportunities to your romantic life. The Ace of Cups card symbolizes abundance and generosity. In July, your cup will be overflowing, so accept the generous and giving energy from the universe. Enjoy romance, passion and new experiences.

Virgo: Nine of Swords

This month you may experience more anxiety than usual. The Nine of Swords card warns of excessive worry. If you feel trapped in anxiety, try to calm down and keep negative thoughts at bay. Reach out to a friend or start practicing your rituals to relieve tension. Remember that there's no reason to lose sleep over things you can't control.

Libra: Page of Cups

The Page of Cups reminds you that the universe has exciting gifts and surprises up its sleeve. Stay open to new ideas and opportunities. Your cosmic ruler Venus is in harmony with unpredictable Uranus and dreamy Neptune this month, so it's a great time to let go of expectations and preconceptions and go with your gut.

Scorpio: Queen of Cups

Embody your emotional energy to the fullest this month. The sun will illuminate your house of ambition and public image, showing your authority and leadership skills to others. Instead of putting on a mask of severity, learn to lead people with gentleness and compromise. There is strength in vulnerability, and your empathy will inspire everyone in your path.

Sagittarius: The Wheel of Fortune

Good vibes are on your side this month, so tame your fickle sensitivity and accept the inevitable changes. The Wheel of Fortune card reminds you that nothing lasts forever. Your difficult circumstances are not permanent, and your luck can change unexpectedly. Therefore, enjoy the blessings of life and appreciate every moment of your existence.

Capricorn: Nine of Pentacles

July is a time to enjoy the luxuries you've worked hard to secure. The Nine of Pentacles symbolizes abundance and enjoyment of the results of hard work. The Full Moon in your sign on July 21 is the perfect time to treat yourself. Spend money on something nice and just enjoy life.

Aquarius: Four of Wands

You have a lot to be proud of this month. The Four of Wands brings an atmosphere of celebration and joy. Instead of worrying about the future, enjoy the present moment and recognize your accomplishments. Spend time with loved ones and enjoy life.

Pisces: The Hanged Man

July is a time to pause and re-analyze the energy and circumstances around you. The Hanged Man card wants you to change your views and get rid of prejudices and stereotypes. If you encounter resistance, change your approach and reconsider your plans instead of fighting a pointless battle with the universe. Be ready for new perspectives and forget that you owe someone something.

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