
Parsley, basil and more: what fragrant herbs to plant in the garden in June

Alina MilsentNews
Greens in the basket. Source: Created with the help of AI

Early summer is the perfect time to plant herbs. These crops will not only be useful in cooking, but some of them will also help to drive away pests and flies from the garden.

OBOZ.UA publishes a list of fragrant herbs that can be planted in June. The aroma of fresh basil will complement summer salads with a rich flavor, and thyme, known as a medicinal plant, will be a useful addition to teas.


Experienced gardeners say that the second half of June is the best time to sow dill. It is worth choosing beds that receive sunlight only in the morning. It would seem that dill is quite unpretentious and will grow anywhere, but for a good harvest, it should be sown in soil with neutral acidity that is well nourished with nutrients.

Dill should be sown in loose soil to a depth of about 2 cm, and watered abundantly. In the dry summer heat, dill can stop developing, and when water stagnates, it weakens and becomes susceptible to disease. Young greens can be consumed after 35 days.


Parsley can be sown all summer long using the conveyor method, meaning every 2-3 weeks. This way you will always have fresh herbs at hand. Parsley is easy to care for: regular watering, loosening and thinning is enough.


Lettuce can be sown every 2 weeks. Plants ripen in 25-50 days, depending on the variety. Lettuce needs an even amount of moisture, so drip irrigation in the evening is the best option. When the heads begin to form, watering should be reduced as excess moisture can lead to rotting of the plants.


For planting basil, choose a well-lit place with fertile soil. Basil should be planted when there is no threat of a sharp nighttime drop in temperature, i.e. after June 15. It should be fertilized twice a month. During flowering, it is better to reduce watering.


Spinach is sown several times per season with an interval of 20-30 days. It is, by the way, a very useful plant. The amount of protein in spinach is several times higher than in legumes.


Thyme is an ideal addition to natural teas. The plant contains vitamins A, B, K, P, E, C, as well as calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, as well as phenols and flavonoids.


Oregano, along with rosemary, basil, and mint, is especially popular in Mediterranean cuisine. Oregano contains antioxidants, ascorbic acid, and essential oils. This plant attracts many bees and other beneficial insects to the garden.

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