
Kremlin orders Russian media to compare the Ukrainian Armed Forces offensive in Kursk region with the Battle of Kursk

Nadiya DanyshchukNews
Propagandists received a "methodology" for covering events in the Kursk region

The Kremlin was so stunned by the large-scale operation of the Ukrainian army in the Kursk region that it was able to give a "methodology" to its propagandists only three days after the events began. During this time, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin could not think of anything better than to give a "directive" to propagandists and media outlets loyal to the Kremlin to compare the offensive in the Kursk region with the Battle of Kursk in World War II.

In addition, the Kremlin urged propagandists "not to escalate the situation" and assure that Putin "will not leave anyone in trouble." This was reported by Medusa.

The publication spoke to two Russian media employees. They said that they were "strongly advised" to avoid discussions about the opening of a "new front" in every way possible, and instead compare what is happening to the Battle of Kursk during World War II.

In addition, propagandists are not allowed to talk about the possible advance of Ukrainian troops to the city of Kurchatov, where the Kursk nuclear power plant is located, so that the Russian audience does not have a "feeling of a nuclear threat."

Instead of mentioning the Kursk NPP, Russian media should talk about the "successes of the Russian army, " which allegedly prevents the Ukrainian armed forces from advancing deep into the Kursk region. The propagandists are advised to focus "on the attacks of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on civilians and emphasize that children were injured during them."

In news stories, it is recommended to talk about the "unity and cohesion of people" who allegedly come to blood donation points en masse and accommodate evacuees from the Suzhansky district in their homes.

However, they advise to emphasize the "efforts" of the federal authorities, Putin himself, and the government, which "do not leave anyone in trouble. "

The interlocutors of the publication also noted that they received the "temniks" only on Thursday, August 8, essentially on the third day of the operation in the Kursk region.

They assume that the Kremlin simply did not understand the scale of what was happening, so they could not draw up the "methodology" more quickly.

It seems that the Kremlin also does not understand the lessons of history. As you know, the Battle of Kursk of World War II ended in the defeat of Nazi Germany and the retreat of the Germans, who were trying to gain a foothold on the Dnipro River.

Today, the role of the fascists is played by Russia, which has invaded the territory of a foreign country and is committing war crimes no less than the Nazis. Therefore, the Kremlin's "manual" may become prophetic for modern Russian fascists, and the current "Battle of Kursk" may become a turning point in the war and the beginning of the end of the Putin regime.

As reported by OBOZ.UA:

Ukrainian troops in the Kursk region have advanced up to 10 kilometers into Russia. Armored vehicles of the Defense Forces have taken up positions along the 38K-030 Sudzha – Korenevo highway.

Z-publics reported on the emergency deployment of Wagner troops from Africa to the Kursk region. They will allegedly immediately get to the battlefield and try to stop the ongoing offensive of Ukrainian forces in the region.

The EU reacted to the events in the Kursk region of Russia. They stated that Ukraine, as part of its defensive war against Russia's illegal aggression, has the right to strike the enemy wherever it deems necessary, including on Russian territory.

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