
Delirium or genius? The legendary Platini called for a revolution in the rules of football

Oleksandr ChekanovNews
Platini came up with an idea to change the rules of football

The legendary French national team captain Michel Platini has called for revolutionary changes in the rules of football. The three-time Ballon d'Or winner expressed confidence that today it is necessary to reduce the number of players on the field, which would increase the speed and entertainment of matches.

This opinion was voiced by Platini in an interview with RMC Sport, sofoot.com reports. The 1984 European champion noted that at the beginning of the last century, people did not have as strong physical data as they do now, which is why in modern football, players have much less free space on the field.

Delirium or genius? The legendary Platini called for a revolution in the rules of football
Delirium or genius? The legendary Platini called for a revolution in the rules of football

"Maybe we should think about taking away one player and making teams of 10 players. In 1900, there were 11 players playing soccer, but in 1900, players ran less than they do today, they were less strong, they ran slower. The problem is that center backs and goalkeepers touch the ball more often than midfielders. People of my generation don't watch football much anymore because they don't find a response in themselves. I watched the Euro 84 match between France and Portugal. There were no back passes. Now people make passes for the sake of control," said the former president of the European Football Union (UEFA).

Delirium or genius? The legendary Platini called for a revolution in the rules of football
Delirium or genius? The legendary Platini called for a revolution in the rules of football

Earlier, at the start of the renewed Champions League, Bayern Munich set a historic tournament record by scoring nine goals in one match.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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