
Why you can not keep things under the bed: the essence of folk omen

Extra objects under the bed block the flow of energy to the sleeping person

No matter how you look at it, the bed is a very important place in our home. We spend at least a third of our time in it. Therefore, it should be comfortable and safe from all points of view.

In particular, esotericists say that for a bed to perform its function well, there should be nothing under it. OBOZ.UA found out why this is so.

So many people to save space in a small apartment can store under the bed such things as suitcases, boxes of out-of-season shoes, etc. And this is a big mistake.

The fact is that while sleeping, the life-giving energy of the earth enters the person from under the bed. And any things that stand in the way of this flow interfere with it. That is why those who do not get enough sleep are advised to start by clearing the space under the bed and wet cleaning it.

However, some items can cause much more damage if placed under the bed. These include:

  • empty bags, suitcases, cans, boxes, etc. – they carry the energy of poverty, desolation, and uselessness, and can attract conflicts in married couples;
  • any spoiled, broken, or old items – it is better to throw away or otherwise dispose of such things because they take up part of the vital energy without giving anything in return;
  • things associated with unpleasant memories, such as gifts from exes – a clot of negative energy under the bed will have a bad effect on the quality of sleep and attract misfortune, pulling you back in time, preventing you from moving forward and achieving your goals.

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