
Three zodiac signs will be lucky in love on February 9 : who are the lucky ones

Love horoscope

The New Moon in Aquarius will have a significant impact on the romantic sphere. This is a period of happy meetings, new acquaintances, proposals, and the realization of dreams. Traditionally, the New Moon is considered a period of rethinking and transformation. It usually doesn't encourage decisive action, but it does encourage careful planning.

Astrologers say that the new moon on February 9 can be a new milestone in the lives of three signs. They will be able to fill their loneliness and emptiness with love and hope.


You know how to get rid of negative emotions and see the positive in everything. There are people and situations in your life that have been bothering you lately, but the new moon on February 9 will open up a new understanding. You will no longer want to waste your precious resource, and time, on quarrels, competition, and arguments.

You will see that the world is full of potential, which means that you should choose the path of goodness and instead of stubbornly proving your point of view, you can sometimes compromise. Of course, if the issue does not concern your core values. You will start to inspire others with your actions and positive intentions.


You will feel as if you have wings behind you. The New Moon in Aquarius will bring about profound transformations. You will be ready to step out of your comfort zone and change your life for the better. You will suddenly realize that in a relationship with a partner, it is important to pay attention to more than just your own needs. All you need to do is be patient and give love.

You will see new potential in your relationship if you try to put yourself in your partner's shoes. Lately, you've been lacking mutual respect and endurance. You will believe in love again and give your relationship a second chance.


The new moon will be an important milestone in your life – it's as if you dare to step out of the darkness and into the light. You may have moments of skepticism, but you are optimistic by nature. You will only take on new projects or start a new relationship if you have faith that it's all worthwhile.

After a difficult period, you've embarked on a healing journey and now it's hard to trust again. Relationships are always a risk, and it's worth moving on instead of always immersing yourself in nostalgic illusions.

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