No more dust in the house: a Chinese cleaning method you'd never have guessed
All cleaning life hacks usually have a few ingredients in common: baking soda, vinegar, salt, or citric acid. These are effective tools to help remove dirt, disinfect, and get rid of odors.
However, an unusual cleaning method is gaining popularity online. It is said to be used by Chinese housewives. OBOZREVATEL talks about an interesting ingredient that hardly anyone would have guessed to use as a polish.
If you have decided to give up chemical cleaning products, or you consider it necessary to minimize their use, you can try environmentally friendly ingredients as an alternative. One of them is sour milk.
It sounds rather strange, no doubt. However, those who have already tried this life hack claim that it works.
The recipe is simple: soak a sponge or cloth in sour milk and wipe the surfaces in your home with it. This method is suitable for:
- wooden surfaces;
- varnished surfaces;
- marble surfaces.
The secret of effectiveness lies in the influence of a special acid contained in sour milk. Surfaces instantly become shiny and radiant. This product does not even leave stains. Surfaces will shine clean and will not be harmed by aggressive chemical solutions.
The only drawback is the odor. After such a procedure, you can't do without a conventional detergent or sprays containing aromatic essential oils.
Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you how to rub tables and shelves to get rid of dust for a long time.
Houseplants, a humidifier, water filters on a vacuum cleaner, and proper cleaning techniques will also help get rid of dust.
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