
Kosher McDonald's and flower vending machines: How Israel surprises tourists

Albina PanchenkoLife
Kosher McDonald's and flower vending machines: How Israel surprises tourists

A desert country with a long history and holy places welcomes millions of tourists every year. It is open to different cultures, nationalities, and religions. So it is not only Christians who come here. And most foreigners are very surprised by the peculiarities of everyday life in this country.

Kosher McDonald's

In Israel, there are more than 40 McDonald's restaurants with kosher food. It is a fasting menu from which meat, dairy products, beer, and kvass are removed. Interestingly, the only such establishment of this network outside of the Jewish country is in Argentina.

High Prices

Israel is one of the most expensive countries in the world. Almost all of its residents have stable jobs or are engaged in business. The state pays aid to low-income citizens. But it is impossible to live on it if they have no other income. Thus, the government encourages all citizens to earn their own money. We must admit that this method works.


Special signs on the roads

Be careful when driving in Israel. Almost all drivers here obey the rules of the road. However, there is no "STOP" sign in this country. Instead, there is a picture of a stopping hand.

Social Advertising and Charity

Israel has a very developed civil society. The authorities are constantly working to ensure that the residents of the country treat not only themselves but also others responsibly. Thus, social advertising is placed everywhere. For example, in Jerusalem, you can see an installation of broken cars stacked on top of each other in the form of a bottle. Thus, drivers are reminded not to drive under the influence of alcohol.

And there are charity fundraising boxes at almost all the public transport stops.

Lots of greenery

Israel is located in the desert. But that doesn't prevent it from having a lot of parks and green areas. The local authorities have put in place a special system for watering the plants so that they do not die because of the high air temperature. It is also customary here to plant a tree when a child is born into the family.


Flower vending machines.

This is perhaps the nicest highlight of Israel. There are practically no big flower shops here, but there are a lot of bouquet vending machines. They work as follows: you just need to choose the right product and pay for it in cash or by card.

Shabbat for all

Many tourists are sure that they will not be affected at all by the Sabbath. So they are very surprised when on Friday afternoon public transportation stops running and all the stores and food establishments are closed. And this situation continues until Saturday evening, so you need to be prepared for it.


The friendliness of the locals

You can talk about the manners of the people of Israel for a long time. They are very open and friendly people. So, if you need help, you just have to ask. Can't find your way? They will practically lead you by the hand to the right place. Lost your wallet? They'll buy you a bus ticket. It's the same with everything.

No stray dogs on the streets, but lots of cats.

Israelis love animals. Almost every home has a pet that is treated as an equal member of the family. So there are no stray dogs on the streets, they are immediately taken away by someone. But there are a lot of cats, but all of them are fed and, if necessary, taken to the vet by local residents.


A Culture of Equality

It is no secret that the authorities in Israel do everything they can to ensure that men and women have equal rights. And it's not just about wages or military conscription. It's the first country to ban legally super-slim models from fashion shows. And it's also the first country to give up a woman's place on public transport.

Religious Marriages

In spite of their progressive nature, there are still exclusively religious marriages in Israel. If a couple holds different faiths, then they must marry in another country. On the state level, this would be a perfectly legal act. Also here, the bride and groom do not have to be present at the wedding, only their proxies can be present.

Sports for All

The residents of Israel believe that sports can and should be practiced at any age. There are many athletes and fans of other types of motor activities. Perhaps due to this, the country can boast a high average life expectancy.

Previously OBOZREVATEL told about interesting features of life in Italy.

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