
How to understand what a cat wants: the secrets of pet body language

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Cats have mastered sign language

Cats, like any other animal, cannot speak. This is a disadvantage, because often the attentive expression on a cat's face makes it seem that they understand everything and are even able to give their human good advice. On the plus side, over the millennia that these creatures have been living next to us, they have developed a whole system of gestures that can convey their feelings and emotions to us. But how do you understand a cat's body language?

The British animal welfare foundation Cats Protection has compiled a "dictionary" of this language to help people find a common language with their furry friends. All the basic gestures of the animal are divided into feelings. A separate section is devoted to purring.

Happiness and joy

What could be better than seeing a happy and contented cat. There are several signs that your cat is feeling great.

A straight but relaxed tail. If your cat walks towards you and its tail is straight and raised, but relaxed and flexible, it means that it is happy to see you and greets you. It is possible that the cat will even rub itself gently against your legs and stroke its tail.

Rubbing your head or body. Speaking of physical contact. If your cat rubs its head, cheeks, or sides against you, it is leaving its scent on you. This is also a gesture of welcome. You have just been accepted into the pack, which is a great honour, given that cats are solitary animals by nature.

Squinting eyes. If a cat looks at you from under half-drooped eyelids, it feels calm. It doesn't need to hunt you or follow you, it just likes to know that you are there.

Slow blinking. If there is something like a kiss in cats, this is the gesture. Cats slowly blink their eyes to let each other know that they are not a threat and are happy to be around. This is a sign of friendliness. Try looking your cat in the eyes, blinking slowly, and tilting your head slightly to the side - most likely, it will respond to you.

Rolling onto your back. The abdomen is the most vulnerable part of the cat's body. Therefore, if the fluffy cat lies down in front of you, rolls onto its back or side, and shows you its belly, this is a sign of the highest trust. But do not assume that this is an invitation to pet the animal's belly. Not all cats like such caresses, and you can get a scratching with sharp claws instead. If you do not know how the cat will react to such familiarity, it is better to pat it on the head.

Bouncing. If your cat jumps up and down a little when it sees you, it is not just happy to see you, but also wants a little affection from you. It would be rude not to respond.

Anxiety and stress

Cats are not very trusting animals and feel anxious at the slightest change in their environment. There are several gestures that an animal can use to show its stress. Always pay attention to them.

The body is pressed to the ground. A cat lies down with its whole body on the ground in a situation where it wants to hide but does not see a safe shelter nearby. Then it tries to merge with the surface, to become invisible. Do not touch the animal - let it run away to a place where it will be calmer.

Ears pressed to the head. This is a symbol of severe stress and even fright. Do not try to touch a cat that shows it. It may react aggressively.

Dilated pupils. This can also be a sign of great interest. In any case, a cat whose pupils are dilated is experiencing strong emotions and is not interested in you.


Cats are not the most timid of animals, but this does not mean that they are not afraid of fear. They just react to it with aggression and may fight. So do not even try to approach the animal if it shows you one of the following gestures. Moreover, try not to look the cat not only in the eyes, but even in its direction so that it does not perceive you as a threat. And don't call him with the usual "kitty, kitty, kitty" - in this case, he will perceive the sounds "s" or "sh" as a corresponding aggressive hiss in response. It is better to leave the frightened cat, let it run away, hide, and calm down. You can talk to him later.

Bent back. If a cat stands on its outstretched paws and arches its back, it is trying to appear larger. He literally threatens his counterpart.

Tense tail. An absolutely straight, tense, and raised tail is also a sign of intense fear.

The hair stands up, the whiskers stand up. This is another defence mechanism by which the cat tries to appear larger and more intimidating. In this case, the whiskers are often directed towards the object that frightens the cat. Often, such manifestations are accompanied by a loud scream. The next step is a strong paw strike.


We usually perceive a cat's purr as a manifestation of relaxation and happiness. And it is true if the body language confirms that the animal feels calm and happy.

But purring can also be a sign of anxiety. If the cat is fussing, pay attention to where it is leading you, what it wants to show you. She is clearly drawing your attention to something.

Sometimes felines purr to calm themselves in a stressful situation. So, if your pet purrs in the veterinary clinic, it doesn't mean that he is happy to see his doctor. It is a sign that the animal is very worried.

Another reason for purring is pain. Therefore, it is important to keep an eye on your cat's body language as well as the context, as this is the best indicator of whether he is happy and comfortable.

OBOZREVATEL previously published a list of foods you shouldn't feed your cat.

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