How not to confuse seasonal allergies with colds
The spring sun is warm, but the wind is still cold, because of the fluctuations in air temperature you can not always guess how best to dress: during the day - sweaty, in the evening - it is cold, and in the morning you wake up - runny nose and sneezing. A cold? Maybe it is a manifestation of seasonal allergies.
Respiratory viral infection and allergies (pollinosis) may be accompanied by common symptoms: runny nose, sneezing, itching, stuffy nose, and cough. Let's understand how a cold (ARI) differs from an allergy.
The word "cold" in everyday life usually refers to respiratory diseases of a viral nature. ARI (acute respiratory viral infections) is the most common group of diseases in the world: it includes, among others, influenza, coronavirus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and other infections that cause inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.
As for allergies, they are of a very different nature. Unlike colds, allergies are not caused by viruses: their cause is hypersensitivity of the immune system to some external substances.
Normally, our immune system should react only to factors dangerous to our health - toxins, malignant cells, or infections (for example, those very viruses). Sometimes, however, our immune system mistakes supposedly harmless substances - such as plant pollen, plant or animal proteins, medicine, certain foods, animal hair, or even ordinary house dust - as dangers. This immune system malfunction can occur at any age: you can spend your whole life walking, for example, past linden blossoms, but one day such a walk will unexpectedly reward you with an itchy nose and restless sneezing.
The deceptive similarity between the symptoms of SARS and allergies
Seasonal allergies have many manifestations, from sneezing, rhinitis (runny nose), lacrimation, and skin rashes, to difficulty breathing and even the development of anaphylactic shock.
The problem is that the common cold has almost the same symptoms. However, there are still differences between the symptoms, and now we will try to understand them.
The main manifestations of allergies and colds (ARI)
As you can see, unlike allergies, colds often manifest themselves as general ailment and cause fatigue, muscle pain, fever, and sore throat. Also, only a doctor can distinguish colds from allergies.
How do I treat SARS and seasonal allergies?
Since these are two completely different types of diseases, they should be treated differently. Acute respiratory viral infections need to take antiviral medications. For example, for children, the doctor may prescribe Flavovir children's syrup based on flavonoids, which blocks the ability of RNA and DNA viruses to multiply in the body and thus does not allow the virus to gain strength. And the fewer viruses in the body, the easier the course of the disease will be and the body will cope with it more quickly.
Also, to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of a cold (runny nose, sneezing, fever, body aches and pains) the doctor will prescribe symptomatic medications: antipyretics, nasal drops, sprays or pills for sore throat, etc.
To successfully treat seasonal allergies, you must first find the cause. This is not as easy as it sounds. Therefore, if you suspect you have allergies, you will inevitably have to see an allergist and undergo laboratory tests. After determining the cause, the doctor will prescribe antihistamines and/or immune therapy.
Note, if your symptoms appear every year at about the same time and last for a long time, allergies may be the cause.
In any case, whether it is an allergy or an acute respiratory infection - you should not diagnose yourself. First of all, you need to consult a doctor, because both viral infection and allergies can cause deterioration, namely the emergence of secondary bacterial infection in the respiratory tract. Seasonal allergies can worsen asthma symptoms such as coughing and wheezing, and the runny nose (allergic or viral) in children is often the cause of middle ear infection (otitis media) and adenoid vegetation.