
"Evidence" of time travel found among thousands of years old hieroglyphs

Yulia PoteriankoLife
The temple of Pharaoh Seti I in Abydos surprised archaeologists

Despite the fact that Egyptian hieroglyphic writing is quite well understood, inscriptions on ancient Egyptian monuments can still present surprises. For example, in the temple of Seti I in Abydos, there are three images on a beam in one of the funeral halls that may hint at the possibility of time travel.

According to The Sun, these are pictograms that resemble a modern helicopter, aeroplane, and submarine. The amazing thing is that these images are definitely more than 3000 years old, meaning that they are definitely not a joke of our contemporaries or vandalism.

According to Stephen Mear, chairman of the Manchester Association for Paranormal Research and Training, these so-called "helicopter hieroglyphics" may serve as proof that the ancient Egyptians could somehow see modern technology. According to its supporters, this may indicate that the Earth was visited by aliens in ancient times and that they were behind the construction of the Egyptian pyramids and the British Stonehenge.

That is why the ancient Egyptians allegedly painted these strange things on the walls of the temple among the images of birds, insects and modern household items. Some even point out the precisely drawn details of machinery, such as the rudder of an aeroplane and the blades of a helicopter.

However, historians have their own view of these images. First of all, they argue that no known ancient Egyptian source refers to anything like modern aircraft or submarines. But in the event of such an encounter, people would have recorded the shock of what they saw in one way or another. But no such evidence has been found so far. So, the assumption that the Egyptians could have witnessed something similar has not yet been confirmed.

In addition, the walls of the temple in Abydos clearly show traces of the fact that the hieroglyphs on its walls were interrupted several times. It is known that the son of Seti I and his successor Ramses II, after the death of his father, corrected the inscriptions on the walls of his temple - the old hieroglyphs were covered with plaster and new ones were applied, glorifying the young pharaoh. As time destroyed the coating, eventually combinations of several pictograms remained on the beam, forming shapes that modern people read as familiar objects.

As OBOZREVATEL wrote, scientists have recently revealed that they have solved the mystery of the way building materials were delivered to the Egyptian pyramids. It turns out that about 4,500 years ago, the Giza plateau looked completely different from what it does now and was not deserted.

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