
Why your phone is charging slowly: there are 5 reasons

Yulia PoteriankoLife
You can prevent your smartphone from charging quickly

You're probably familiar with the situation when you're in a hurry, put your almost dead phone on the charger to quickly replenish your energy supply, but it doesn't happen. It causes incredible stress. But what are you doing wrong? Why isn't your phone charging even though it's plugged in? How can you fix it?

According to TechCabal, there are five main reasons for this situation. Pay attention to which of them could have happened to you.

You are using the phone while it is charging

A phone that is charging does not lose its functionality, so we often write messages, make calls, or otherwise use the gadget while it is charging. In principle, this is a perfectly acceptable practice. But it has one drawback: along with accumulating charge, the battery simultaneously releases some of it. Accordingly, its replenishment is slower. So, to speed up charging, leave your phone alone. You can even disable some of the functions, such as Wi-Fi or geolocation, to make it even faster.

You forget to check app settings

Although the screen is the biggest power gobbler, some apps can have settings that can significantly reduce the battery life of your gadget and slow down charging. For example, after being open for a short period of time, many Android apps automatically load or run in the background, consuming power. So check your app settings to manage apps that can work in this mode. Also, try to keep the screen off while charging.

You are using faulty equipment

Slow phone charging may be due to a faulty cable or charger. A worn cable transfers power more slowly. Replace it and see the difference.

Also, make sure that the port in the charger that you use to charge your gadget is in good condition and not clogged with anything. Dust that gets into it can prevent the cable from connecting properly and slow down the charging speed. So wipe the contacts with a thin, lint-free cloth slightly dampened with alcohol. If you notice any signs of rust or corrosion in the port, you will need to replace the unit.

You have selected a weak power source

Although phones can be charged using USB cables connected to laptops, TVs, or other compatible devices, they are not designed to charge your phone properly. Therefore, they will transfer power to your phone more slowly. So if you can plug into a wall outlet, do so - it's faster and more efficient.

You're using the wrong charging accessories

Sooner or later, the chargers that come with your phone will break down and you'll need to buy a replacement. Try to choose a charger from the same brand as your phone - this is the best option. If you don't have this option, make sure that the voltage and current of the device are suitable for your gadget.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told how to speed up an old Android smartphone.

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