
Violets can not be planted in ceramic pots: what is the reason and how to solve the problem

Alina MilsentLife
Life hacks for growing violets

Fragile and delicate violets will become a real decoration of the room. However, these flowers are quite whimsical as drying out, waterlogging, and even the slightest unfavorable conditions lead to the loss of the plant.

Violets do not like - and do not need - large pots, and ceramics are generally the worst option for them. Read why violets should not be planted in ceramic containers in the OBOZ.UA article.

Why violets don't like ceramics

Florists like to use ceramic pots because they are reliable, attractive and environmentally friendly containers. But for violets, it is better to choose ordinary plastic.

It is quite difficult to grow violets in ceramic containers as the process will require time, patience, and effort. When watering, salts get into the substrate, which eventually settles on the walls of the pot. This creates unfavorable conditions for violets.

It takes much longer for moisture to be removed from ceramic containers. Thus, the substrate can turn into a real "swamp", and the root system of the plant will begin to rot. In addition, ceramic pots cool down quickly in a cool room, and a sharp temperature difference leads to the loss of flower stalks.

So, as strange as it may sound, violets will be healthier and will bloom regularly in cheap plastic pots.

How to water violets

Violets do not like waterlogging. In winter, one watering per week will be enough, and in the warmer seasons, you can double the watering.

Do not water the flowers with ordinary tap water. The water should be boiled and infused beforehand so that various impurities do not get into the roots.

An important caveat: water should not get on the leaves during irrigation.

By the way, OBOZ.UA noted that violets need a sufficient amount of sunlight, so you shouldn't put the pot in a dark place as flowering will be out of the question. To know how to determine that a violet lacks light, read the article.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA shared how to fertilize violets using natural methods.

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