
So that it does not die: the ideal place for spathiphyllum in winter is named

Alina MilsentLife
How to care for spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllums (or peace lilies) are quite unpretentious, but the plant often dries up due to improper care. The flowers do not need a lot of sunlight, but if the leaves begin to shrink and become elongated, the plant still lacks sun.

One of the most common mistakes is insufficient watering. The Express publication told us where it is better to put spathiphyllum in winter so that the plant receives the optimal amount of moisture.

Where to put the plant

Since spathiphyllums are a type of tropical crop, the flowers can experience dehydration in winter, especially when the temperature starts to drop. They are often placed near a window where condensation forms due to cold air or a draft, so the plant dies very quickly.

Spathiphyllum needs high air humidity, so in the warm season, the leaves should be wiped with a damp sponge, and in winter, a tray with wet pebbles or expanded clay should be arranged.

An important caveat: during the flowering period, do not let water get on the flowers during irrigation.

However, if you water the spathiphyllum too much and too often, the soil can take longer to dry out because the plants do not get enough sunlight in winter. This means that waterlogging causes the flowers to rot.

Experts say that the easiest way to care for a spathiphyllum during the cold season is to place it in the kitchen. Alternatively, you can use the bathroom but only if it is equipped with a separate window and sufficient air conditioning.

According to Happy House Plants, you should make sure that the plant receives enough sunlight and moisture. The humidity that accumulates during cooking or showering will help ensure high-quality plant growth.

Spathiphyllums can be placed near east or west windows but not too close as drafts and radiator heat can damage the houseplant and cause it to wilt.

Which substrate is suitable for the plant

Spathiphyllum grows well in loose, fertile soil. In their natural habitat, the plants grow in soil consisting of fallen leaves, compost, charcoal, and branches.

Experts advise mixing a soil mixture for a houseplant: add peat, garden soil, perlite, and orchid substrate. The latter consists of charcoal, bark, and gravel.

The substrate should not be heavy, otherwise the flower will begin to rot due to excessive moisture that does not have time to evaporate. It is also worth taking care of high-quality drainage.

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