Sitting down to solve a small problem: where in the world the most men sit down to pee
An unexpected ranking revealed data on which countries in the world men sit down the most to relieve a small need.
First place in the ranking goes to Germany. Forty percent of Germans say they sit down to pee every time and another 22 percent do it "most times." Only 10 percent say they never do it, Dailymail writes.
The authors of the ranking say that studies have been conducted in 13 countries on men's preferences for ways to remedy a small need.
It is noted that in Germany it is not uncommon to see signs in public toilets urging men to sit down to urinate. But ironically, the nation has a mildly disparaging name for men who do - "sitzpinkler." This translates into English as a man who likes to sit down to pee, but is also, according to YouGov, used to "mean that a man is weak or effeminate."
The survey results show that British men are among the least willing to sit for this activity, with 33 percent saying they "never" do it, as in Poland.