
Five signs will be unlucky in the Year of the Dragon: who will face problems

Horoscope for 2024

The Year of the Dragon begins on February 10 according to the Eastern calendar. Some signs should be especially cautious, as this period will bring many difficulties and become a real test of patience and endurance.

According to astrologers, people born in the years of the Dog, Dragon, Ox, Goat, and Rabbit will have to muster all their strength to get through the difficult months. However, this period will also lead to profound transformations and will be an important step on the road to success.


2024 will bring many challenges. The Year of the Dragon will not be very favorable for you. In Chinese astrology, Dragon and Dog are generally not compatible signs - they have different values and outlooks on life.

Dragons are known for their adventurousness and courage, while Dogs are loyal and cautious. Dragons tend to be charismatic and take charge, while Dogs are modest and prefer cooperation. Dragons are often optimistic and self-confident, while Dogs are more realistic and vigilant. These differences can lead to misunderstandings and difficulties for Dogs in various aspects, including career and personal ones.


It would seem that people born in the year of their zodiacal patron should get everything they want during this period. However, astrologers are disappointing in their predictions: 2024 will be a year of challenges and personal transformation for Dragons.

Dragons should be especially careful, as setbacks, misfortunes, and even accidents are likely. This can manifest itself in conflicts with family, friends, or colleagues, health problems, financial losses, or career setbacks.


For Bulls, 2024 means a period of transformation. Astrological transits will encourage you to move away from old models and adopt new ones. It's about work that doesn't bring rewards satisfaction and toxic relationships.

People born in 1973 will face especially many challenges. Confrontations can lead to conflicts, failures, and stagnation in all endeavors. Overcoming these challenges requires patience, flexibility, and adaptability. Despite the difficulties, it is also a great opportunity for personal growth. A difficult period involves deep self-reflection. You will need to honestly assess aspects of your personality, behavior, and communication that need improvement.


2024 requires understanding and tolerance for others. You may encounter people who will cause you anxiety or irritation. Some may be nervous, insincere, or even aggressive, potentially hindering your progress.

It is natural to react impulsively at times, but rash words and actions can have negative consequences. You'll need to take an honest assessment of the aspects of your personality, behavior, and communication that need improvement.


The second half of the year won't be too favorable for new beginnings, so don't plan anything grandiose. Astrologers predict problems and obstacles in your career and projects. Keep in mind that enemies and competitors can put a spoke in your wheel.

You should listen to your intuition. Don't make long-term plans if you don't want to be disappointed - focus on the present. Rely on your inner strength and be careful, especially in financial matters.

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