
What to cook for the New Year to please the dragon

Victoria ZhmayloFood
Year of the Dragon 2024. Source: freepik

The upcoming New Year will be guided by a green wooden dragon. Traditionally, when preparing for the celebration, you need to take into account the preferences of the creature that will be in charge for the next 365 days.

A dragon is a majestic and quite powerful creature, which means that it has quite a lot of whims. Today, FoodOboz.ua tells you how to best appease a dragon so that the whole next year goes well.

What does the Dragon like?

This year, you should set the richest possible table with lots of dishes. This will bring prosperity to the family. The Dragon likes only fresh food, so you shouldn't prepare it in advance. In general, you need to approach the preparation of the festive table wisely because the Dragon is an intelligent creature.

What meat to serve on the table

  • pork
  • turkey
  • duck
  • beef

If you experienced financial difficulties in the past year, you can fix it by serving meat dishes, giving preference to fatty pork. If you want to change your personal life, you should serve turkey dishes.

And when the main desire of the hostess is peace, it is worth preparing duck dishes. Do you want career success? Then start looking for the best beef recipes.

Fish and seafood for the New Year's table

  • hake
  • perch
  • carp
  • stuffed pike
  • red caviar
  • black caviar
  • pike caviar
  • squid
  • shrimps

It is believed that the Dragon likes to eat fatty fish. Therefore, in order for the whole family to feel like a fish in the water next year, it is necessary to prepare fish dishes and a variety of seafood. All these dishes should be decorated with lots of greens.


The coming year 2024 should be celebrated with nuts on the holiday table. The best choice would be:

  • hazelnut
  • macadamia
  • cashew
  • walnut
  • pine nut

As you know, nuts have a beneficial effect on brain function, which means they are a symbol of wisdom. But in the Year of the Dragon, they also symbolize wealth.


This year, saving on fruit is strictly prohibited. You should give preference to those with a red color and related shades. These will be perfect:

  • pomegranates
  • apples
  • tangerines
  • cherries
  • strawberries
  • red grapes

A variety of tropical fruits will also not be superfluous on the New Year's table. They can be added to the dessert.


In order for the family to be in good health and gain prosperity throughout the next year, fresh vegetables and plenty of herbs should be on the holiday table.

Honey and sugar

It turns out that dragons have a sweet tooth. So you shouldn't deny them such a treat.

Spicy dishes

Don't forget that dragons are fire-breathing creatures. That is why you should definitely serve at least one spicy dish on the festive table.

You can also find many recipes for festive dishes on OBOZ.UA:

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