
Not just fried or mashed: top 5 unexpected potato dishes

Kateryna YagovychFood
What to do with potatoes besides mashing and frying. Source: pixabay.com

We will need to plant potatoes very soon. However, many people still have enough of the vegetable from last year. Thus, it's time to use it.

The FoodOboz editorial team will tell you about 5 unusual potato dishes. Some of them are really impressive.

Potato dumplings

These are boiled potato balls. They can be made with mushrooms and meat. You need to grate the vegetable raw or take it already boiled. It turns out to be very satisfying.

Potatoes to thicken soups and sauces

Potatoes have thickening properties because they contain a lot of starch. You can add a fairly liquid, homogeneous mash to a soup or sauce and you will immediately get the desired consistency of the dish.

Potatoes instead of cheese sauce

If you take boiled potatoes, mash them well with salt, nutritional yeast, and vegetable oil, you'll get a sauce that's as good as a cheese one. The taste is really very similar, and the technology is much more budget-friendly.

Yeast dough with potatoes

Potatoes can be used to make yeast dough fluffy and soft. In addition, pastries made with this dough will stay fresh for a long time. You just need to mash the potatoes first. When it is at room temperature, simply add it to the mass and knead the dough.

Desserts with potatoes

Potatoes are suitable even for desserts. However, we are talking about sweet potatoes. This ingredient can be a great base for brownies and sponge cakes. Sweet potatoes can also be a caramelizer.

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