How to preserve green onions for the winter: without freezing and drying
Young green onions are a healthy ingredient for salads, and side dishes, as well as an addition to appetizers, borscht, and soup. With this in mind, hostesses often look for ways to preserve the greens as long as possible and preferably for the winter, so they do not lose flavor.
In addition to freezing and drying, green onions can be salted in jars. The editors of FoodOboz selected for you the easiest recipe for pickling green onions in jars for the winter.
- green onions - 1 kg
- salt - 200g
Method of preparation:
1. First, you need to prepare the greens for cooking, namely rinse several times in cold water until the water becomes clear. After that, place them on paper towels and dry them well.
2 You should also sterilize or scald the jars with boiling water, and be sure to dry them.
3. After the greens have dried, they need to be chopped.
4. Next, you should mix the prepared greens and salt.
5. Place the herbs and salt in jars, tightly tamping. At the same time, you should leave a little space at the neck, because the juice will be released in the process.
6. Close the jars with lids (preferably take those that screw themselves or use Capron lids). Store in the refrigerator.
Previously OBOZREVATEL reported how to freeze dill to make it useful.