For pasta, potatoes and porridge: how to prepare universal meat gravy
Pasta, porridge or potatoes are quite dry when simply boiled. Therefore, the best option is to prepare a meat gravy for this side dish. The dish can be served even without a cutlet or chop.
The idea of making a universal meat sauce for porridge and pasta was published on the Instagram page of food blogger Karina Fisenkova (karinafisenkova). The ingredients are as simple as possible.
Method of preparation:
1. Cut 1.5 pieces of chicken fillet.
2. Chop 1 onion.
3. Chop 1 carrot.
4. Chop 2 cloves of garlic.
5. Fry the chopped ingredients.
6. Add the spices.
7. Pour in 1 tbsp of soy sauce.
8. Add 3 tbsp of sour cream, stir.
9. Pour in half a glass of water and simmer until tender.
10. At the end, add 2 tsp of starch diluted in cold water.
11. Turn off.
12. Add to pasta or any cereal.