Top 5 snacks that won't make you want to eat: light options
Very often it seems that too much time passes between breakfast and lunch. That's why people start to feel hungry and try to eat something. But in order to hold out until lunch and not spoil your appetite and figure, you need to choose the right snack.
For a snack, you need to choose small portions of healthy food. That's why The Sun recently presented a list of the healthiest snacks that will help you get through lunch and won't harm your figure. Lara Buckle, a nutritionist and health coach, helped the publication with this.
Mixed nuts
Almonds, walnuts, and peanuts mixed in small amounts will help provide the body with the right amount of fat and protein. This will help people feel full without overeating. They also play a key role in regulating sugar levels, preventing sugar spikes that can occur during a bad snack.
Homemade cottage cheese
Homemade cottage cheese is rich in protein and low in fat. You can always add some vegetables and black pepper to it, or just a pinch of salt for flavor. This will make a great and nutritious snack.
Hard-boiled eggs
This snack takes only 10 minutes to prepare. Hard-boiled eggs are a great source of healthy fats and protein. Eggs also contain vitamins A and B7, one of which supports vision and the other is responsible for good hair and skin.
Hummus and vegetables
A small portion of hummus in combination with bell peppers and carrots will provide the body with fiber and protein. In addition, ordinary vegetables will taste incredible if you eat them in combination with real hummus.
Any cereal is a great breakfast. However, oats can also be an ideal snack and make a person feel full for several hours. According to Lara, a small bowl of instant oatmeal without sugar can be quite satisfying. And a spoonful of honey and a pinch of cinnamon will help to add flavor.