
How to clean the dirtiest microwave without chemicals: a budget method

Erika IlyinaFood

One of the most popular gadgets in the kitchen for many years is the microwave. All housewives are happy to use it to cook and reheat food. However, the microwave has one rather significant drawback: it is very difficult to clean.

It is to reduce the amount of contamination that special lids were invented to cover dishes. But even they do not protect the microwave from numerous contaminants. Recently, a user with the nickname stephanieboothhome shared a way to clean the dirtiest microwave without using chemicals on TikTok.

Method of cleaning the microwave oven

1. Put a bowl of water with lemon juice in the oven and turn on for 2-3 minutes. The steam will make dried dirt splashes much softer.

2. Remove.

3. Wipe the microwave chamber with a damp cloth.

With this simple method, your microwave oven will be cleaned to a shine in just a few minutes. But the most important thing is that no chemicals are involved in this process, which means that the process of heating and cooking in it will remain completely safe.

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